11 June 2010

I'm A Hot Mess. Emphasis on Hot. No, Not Really, Emphasis on Mess.

Yes, This Is My Room

Okay, here's the thing. I love my room, I love my clothes, I love my belongings and I'm grateful for them. I'm just a messy person. An insanely messy person. I tend to get easily distracted (a doctor once told me he thought I had undiagnosed ADD) and so things just pile up on me. The other thing is, I don't care. Honestly, it doesn't bother me that much to have things this messy. Maybe my brain is cluttered and I'm used to the feeling? I don't know. The purpose of this post is to show most of my clothes and accessories just as they usually are. Just in case this is too much for you, I included a picture of my brother's cat Layla as a palate cleanser. This is my sickness, I'm wondering how many of you are also afflicted?

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