02 June 2010

The Higher The Hair, The Closer to God

My Feelings About Hair

Hair is a woman's crowning glory. I love my hair despite it's untamed nature. It's a mess even if I straighten it. So I don't, I keep it messy and big and I think you should too. Express yourself, don't be perfect, be yourself!

This is an average hair day for me. As you can see, I like tons of volume, lots of curl, and a little bit of messy. It suits my personality. Stick straight perfect hair looks odd on me, and I think it's boring.

Ah, the beehive. See, this is what I'm talking about. This girl is interesting and playful, because her hair is a bit of a hot mess.

J.Lo's bringing it back!

I once took a quiz about what decade I belong in, and I got the 80s. Cyndi Lauper was never boring and I have mad respect for anyone walking out of the house with this hair.

If I had someone to tame my hair every day, I'd want it to look like Blake Lively's. This is the kind of hair I appreciate on a girl, full, thick, and glossy. It's never boring or cookie cutter.

And here we have the queen of snooze-inducing hair. Listen, Jen, can you mix it up a little bit? Do you constantly have to have boring flat blonde hair? Women follow your example and if you mixed it up a little, you would show women how to have some fun with their hair!

These are just some different looks on me. None of them are perfect, all of them are different, and all of them are me. Your hair expresses your sense of style as much as your clothes do, so mix it up! Have fun! Stay away from the Jennifer Aniston look and don't be afraid to change it up.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot about Fran Dreschers STUPIDLY huge hair on the Nanny :p
