13 July 2010

I Wore a RomperI

And I Looked Cute

Okay so I did a post when I actually bought this rompe r, and then it broke. The strap broke, I mean. Now, I love my family dearly, but we are artsy people who live in our heads. Things that would be common sense to others sort of escape us. Hence, we didn't have a needle and thread in the house for me to fix the strap with. I am not kidding. And it took me a month of complaining about not having a needle and thread to buy a sewing kit at Target. Like I said, I often live in my head and not in the real world. ANYWAY. Ali and I were having a much-needed girl's night and it was 200 degrees outside so I wanted naked clothes. I fixed the strap and wore my romper. My hair is completely not done in this picture because of humidity, all I did was braid the front. After a few margaritas at the Mexican restaurant and another viewing of Shutter Island (which is a fantastic movie and I'm planning a post on the fashion in it) I decided I loved my romper and would do a post on it. I wore this weird little black shrug thing I have over it for the air conditioning and, of course, my black sandals.

So my message is this, dear readers: sometimes you buy things you're scared to wear. Wear them out for an evening with your best friend and decide whether or not you love them. It's not embarrassing that way. Love you all, au revoir!

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