04 May 2010


My Personal Fashion Icons
Number one is always gonna be my mother. Do you see how stylish this woman is? My mom dresses very elegantly. She favors scarves, chunky jewelry, and flowing silhouettes. Neither of us wear prints very often, we like bold colors or muted colors. There's a touch of elegance in everything I wear. I dress pretty modestly and you're never gonna look at me and think I look whore-ish. That comes from my mother, my role model.
I read The Virgin Suicides for the first time when I was 15. Jeffrey Eugenides painted a picture of overprotected girls in the 70s that is burned in my mind. Then Sofia Coppola directed the movie based on the book. The clothes in that movie, the hair, just the entire look of the film are very inspirational to me. The girls favor pastels and secondhand-looking dresses, which is a contrast to the very adult situations they put themselves in. I particularly love the dresses that the girls wore to the dance (four identical sacks) and the coat Lux is wearing after she has sex on the roof. The kind of effortless beauty these girls have is something I look for.
Now for fantasy fashion icons. Grace Jones is someone so androgynous, so handsome, so crazy/edgy/fantastic that a list of fashion icons would not be complete without her.

AND WE HAVE GAGA. I'm a Little Monster, so I may be biased, but someone that insane and that committed to being Couture Freakshow Barbie 24/7 should be worshiped, not put down. Haters make her famous. And that girl is facially beautiful. She inspires me to be a little more extreme and committed to my style.
As a curvy girl, of course I'm gonna have Marilyn Monroe on my inspiration page, but I prefer the toned-down Marilyn, as seen in these pictures. One is her semi-nude and wet, and the other is a from her last screen performance in the movie The Misfits. I love the bold but toned-down makeup in that shot.I'm more classically pretty than quirky, which is probably why I admire the quirky beauties. Patti Smith is always completely herself, androgynous and gorgeous in her own way. Virginia Woolf had such a beautiful profile, and she was actually a celebrated beauty in her time. Tilda Swinton is one of those women that guys don't "get." I think she looks like a crazy ethereal alien and she's one of the best dressed women in the world. Look at that picture! Gorgeous.
Tavi Gevinson is an odd little creature, a thirteen year-old fashion blogger who is really making a name for herself before she's hit puberty. She's inventive, beautiful and inspiring, a real original when it comes to putting clothes together. She was kind enough to let me use a few of her pictures, I chose self portraits. Her blog is www.thestylerookie.com.
And now the boho babes, the Olsen twins and Nicole Richie. I really prefer Nicole's style, it's more accessible, but I love how insane the Olsens are. They'll wear anything and they could give a shit what anyone thinks. Gotta admire that courage. Nicole dresses how I feel like I would if I was rich and famous, she's a hoot and I love her.

This could go on longer but honestly, I don't want to. These are my girls, my inspirations. Au revoir!

1 comment:

  1. cool stuff. I can def see what you take from each of those.
