14 May 2010

Nightmare on Elm Street Fashion: You're Kidding Me, Right?

Clearly, You've Never Seen a High School

So I went to see A Nightmare on Elm Street last night. I actually liked the movie; the plot was good and even though they replaced Freddy, I liked Jackie Earl Haley in the role. He plays a pedophile well. There were a lot of good scores and some great effects shots.
BUT. The clothes. I've been to high school, no one dresses like this. Also, people in high school aren't twenty four, but that's a different story.
Yes of course, I often attend my friend's funerals with a head full of extensions and a ridiculously expensive coat. And every boy in high school looks like Adam Lambert lite. There is so much hair product and bronzer and eyeshadow on that guy. He dies, of course, but not soon enough. Our heroine, Nancy, who seems to not have a lot of money, is wearing a gorgeous trendy trenchcoat and staring at extensions girl, possibly wondering how much cheap fake hair a person can put on her head. Think about this: you're living in a small town, you don't have much money, can you afford these clothes? NO.

In this scene, extensions girl (also known as Chris) is dreaming in the middle of class. Apparently before school she had her hair professionally done. That's a normal enough shirt but she's wearing a $150 pair of white Joe's jeans with it, along with some gold gladiator sandals. I saw that outfit and just sighed. And I'll say again, this girl is too old to be in high school.
Yes, when I sleep I always wear a bra and a face full of makeup, including false eyelashes.
Here is the sensitive male lead. He wears a lot of black, including this extensively detailed black button up with EPAULETS. To set him apart from the stupid jocks in the school. Who would also wear this shirt. At least he looks like he could be eighteen.

Now, there is one outfit I can't find and I'm so sad about it. As the movie goes along we watch the heroine Nancy and her boyfriend Quentin, above, and what they do in one night. Nancy obviously is wearing only one outfit. To fight and try to kill Freddy Krueger, Nancy wears skinny distressed black jeans and a drapey WHITE top, which both look crazy expensive and designer. But the kicker here is her shoes. She wears four inch high heeled gray boots throughout the entire second half of the movie. She runs, fights, gets hurt and ends up in the hospital, all while wearing high heels. ARE YOU KIDDING? NO. Also, who wears expensive boots to an 8 hour day of high school? I was at a loss.

So despite the ridiculous way these characters are clothed, I liked this movie. But as a fashion blogger, the clothes took me out of the story a bit. As did the terrible dialogue.
If you want to read real movie reviews, try my best friend's blog:
Au revoir!

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